
New 3-book deal with Tachyon in US

This was posted last week, so I guess it’s official! I have a new 3-book deal with Tachyon in the US – they did an amazing job on Central Station, so when it came to it, it was an easy decision… Tachyon will be published Unholy Land in October this year, followed next year by a novel called The Circumference of the World, which is a big, messy, ambitious manuscript that I’ve been working on for a long time. My long-time collaborator Sarah Anne Langton is designing the cover for Unholy Land at the moment.

In addition(!) – and this is something I’ve been hoping for for a while – Tachyon will issue The Violent Century in a US paperback edition. The novel was previously published in hardcover by Thomas Dunne in the US, and I’m delighted to finally bring it out in a more affordable paperback edition. No fixed date for that one yet.

I won’t say too much about the books at this stage, but will have more details (and a cover!) on Unholy Land very soon.

I may as well also say that this is only one of two book deals I signed recently, and news of a new novel, coming out imminently, are, well, imminent! The other book is a different kettle of fish altogether, so more on that soon. In the meantime, here is the full press release from Tachyon.

In October 2018, Tachyon are due to publish Tidhar’s UNHOLY LAND, a subversive new novel in the vein of Michael Chabon’s The Yiddish Policemen’s Union and China Miéville’s The City and the City. In 2019, Tachyon will bring out Tidhar’s THE CIRCUMFERENCE OF THE WORLD, a science fictional noir/mystery centered around a book that disappears each time it is read. Tachyon will also reprint Tidhar’s widely-praised THE VIOLENT CENTURY.

Tidhar’s previous novel with TachyonCENTRAL STATION, received the Campbell Award and was shortlisted for the Clarke and British Science Fiction awards.

“We’re extremely pleased to be working with Lavie Tidhar again,” said Tachyon’s publisher Jacob Weisman. “Lavie is an extraordinary writer and a great fit for our line of literary science-fiction.”

Lavie is also the author of the World Fantasy Award-winning OSAMA, the Jerwood Fiction Uncovered Award-winning A MAN LIES DREAMING, the critically-acclaimed Bookman Histories trilogy, and many acclaimed short stories and novellas.