
Venus in Bloom!

My new Japanese short story collection, published as part of the Hal-Con series of short books, is now available. You can get it from the Hal-Con site or at Japanese conventions, I think. As I type this, I have a box of some 100 copies of the thing to sign and send back to Japan… Which reminds me that whatever else books are, they’re heavy.


Venus In Bloom collects five of my stories, including an introduction and story notes. It is available as a slim paperback, illustrated by Masato Hisa, who was my fellow Guest of Honour at Hal-Con this year, and who also designs the monsters for the Japanese Power Rangers! Which is about as cool as it comes. (I also have one of his original pieces at home now, which I got at a secret room auction… err, don’t ask).

The book includes:

  • Venus in Bloom
  • Earthrise
  • Talking To Ghosts At The Edge of the World
  • Neom
  • Terminal